
The class reads a template synthesed by AWS CDK and returns it without identifiers.

You have to import the class removeIdentifiers before to use it.

import { RemoveIdentifiers } from "aws-cdk-remove-identifiers";

The class wants an object-type template like input and returns the same template without identifers.

const templateWithoutIdentifiers = new RemoveIdentifiers(templateWithIdentifiers);


When you create your stack.ts file, you can create your stack.test.ts like the example in this repo. You can find

  • lib/removeIdentifiers.ts, the example of your class implemented

  • tests/removeIdentifiers.test.ts, the example of your unittest class

  • tests/*.json, the templates saved

When you run the unittest (see the Development Section),

  • before, you have to create a json file empty (ie: tests/templateWithoutIdentifiers.json)

  • the first time, you have to fill it with the first version (so, at the beginning the test fails and it returns the json)

  • the times after, if the templates saved and new are different, so the unittest fails, you can evaluate if you have to save a new version or fix your change

You can find real examples in the repositories below: